Another hard day at the office
I had a client who wanted to see the lots we were selling overlooking Bahia Gigante.
The 30-min Panga ride from San Juan del Sur was simply beautiful.
So much empty coastline, long beaches and islands full of nesting sea birds. The bay at Gigante is calm and clean. We anchored in front of the village and swam in, our shoes and clothes in a dry bag.
When we got to the beach we ordered our lunch by the pound. One pound of lobster tails each.
A really lovely lady named Blanca runs one of the restaurants right on the beach. We were the only customers.
Blanca goes and buys the lobsters fresh off the boat while we hike the seven-min to the properties Dennis and I have just subdivided.
First thing we notice is the roads we cut in to access the lots came out really nice and they are well hidden from the main road as well as the ocean.
The lots line a ridge and overlook the bay at Gigante.
We walked the top property line and then found a shady spot.
We sat and talked about life as the howler monkeys let lose and gave us hell. it's peaceful and you just don't want to leave. I envision cutting ATV trails into the back 8 manzanas so we can see the birds and the cool trees way back there. There were 27 lots to start with and there are four remaining.
We have a really good group of pioneers to start this community by the sea.
So we get back to the beach and Blanca has our lunch ready. Eight big lobsters tails with a tomato, onion and green pepper salad over rice.
We eat till we almost pop and wash it all down with two ice-cold liters of Toña.
While we are eating they unfold the cots and after lunch she provides a pillow and a cot.
We slept the sleep of contented and overfed for 45 min.
Got back in the Ponga and ran the five-min up to the beach break.
The surf was really good but that's another story.
If your interested in finding out how to become part of this growing ex-pat community in the middle of paradise please write us back.
Ken Black wrote about a day like this for Outside magazine see it here
Dale Dagger
Bahia Gigante