Monday, October 31, 2005

Beta Hits Nicaragua

But not very hard.
Thank God!
We made it through with very little damage at least to this side of the country.
We got lucky.
I really think Nicaragua’s string of disasters has come to an end.
I am really excited about the future here. I have lived here for ten years now and I see the old starting to be overcome by the new. I don't know why but I am bubbling over with optimism this morning.

Now we can go forward with our road repairs and community planning.

Thank you all for the good vibes.
Now if anybody is interested……I’ve found two houses for under $95K here in San Juan del Sur. Still checking the papers but there are still some deals out there.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

BETA update

Nicaragua is in the news again and it is bad news again.
Here is an update to what is going on by someone who has their boots in the mud.

All is not well but we are making it.
This was the worst rainy season for weather since I’ve been here.
We started out with a Hurricane from El Salvador that was on the Pacific side.!
That is very rare. We lost the good ship Masayita when she was ferrying clients in too rough a seas. She lasted till she was on the beach and we salvaged everything except her lovely hull. Our clients got wet to their knees. The town had a nice ceremony for her and her valiant life pioneering surf tourism here in Southern Nicaragua.

Next we had rain and onshore winds everyday from September 22 till October 27th.
This was more rain than we got from Hurricane Mitch but with none of the resulting aid.
The road to the North along the beaches was cut in two places but the Nicaragua people struggled back and kept the roads open.

Now we are in the news again with BETA.
The good news is we at Nicasurf are ready. I’ve got all the boats out of the water.
Of course this means that BETA has continued moving North and will impact Nicaragua in the very farthest North East, even farther North than from where we bought the Masayita in Puerto Cabazas.

I am headed out to Pie de Gigante today to take photo of the rod repairs we are making and will send you continuing updates on my return.